Roberto Ciulli gilt als "europäische Theaterlegende". Mit seinem von ihm 1980 gegründeten Theater an der Ruhr hat der aus Mailand stammende, promovierte Philosoph nicht nur die halbe Welt bereist, sondern auch ästhetisch und strukturell neue Wege beschritten. Seine kraftvollen, bildmächtigen Theaterarbeiten waren bereits interkulturell konzipiert, lange bevor dieser Ansatz breite Anerkennung fand.
Sati Veyrunes (1995*) est une artiste chorégraphique originaire de Grenoble basée à Marseille. Elle est diplômée de SEAD (Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance) en 2019.
Workshop ouvert avec Sati Veyrunes
Behind the scenes at the theatre
Have you always been intrigued by the backstage of a theatre?
Don't miss our exclusive guided tour and discover the mysteries of the Grand Théâtre.
Interested? Then sign up now! Participation is free and open to everyone!
Guided tour / Grand Théâtre
Sie bekommen einen exklusiven Einblick in die letzten Proben bevor die Produktion am 7. November ihre Premiere im Théâtre des Capucins feiert.
Offene Probe / Winterreise
Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be a member of the Peaky Blinders? Join Yaron Engler, Musical director and drummer, for this interactive session that invites you to explore the show through rhythm and movement. It’s a chance to express yourself in ways you may not have before—fun, a little challenging, but always exciting. No experience in dance, music, or performance is needed - just an open mind and a desire to get creative!
Workshop with Yaron Engler
Cet atelier combinera le tai-chi et les arts martiaux chinois, dans la fluidité et la qualité musicale de la danse contemporaine.
L’occasion de découvrir l’univers de la compagnie avant ses représentations de Before We Say Goodbye !
Workshop tai-chi
Workshop ouvert avec Léa Tirabasso
After their initial collaboration on Deliver Us, commissioned by the Théâtres de la Ville as part of the Connection project, playwright Anna Leader and director Richard Twyman reunite for Stolen Ground. This new production features an international team, delving into intricate themes of heritage, history, and the ties of friendship.
Open rehearsal / Stolen Ground
Workshop ouvert avec Jill Crovisier
Theatrical storytelling in dance
Workshop ouvert avec Jill Crovisier
Plants emit sounds in frequencies that are inaudible to the human ear: the way their roots grow into the soil, the exchange of oxygen with the air around them, the communication with other plants and animals, the way they suck and distribute water from the earth.
Elisabeth Schilling
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