
ID de la catégorie echo
26.03.2025 - 28.03.2025

Professional masterclass with Hofesh Shechter Company

These masterclasses, led by Chien-Ming Chang (Rehearsal Director: Shechter II) will include a full company class, exploring Hofesh’s fundamental movement principles, engaging the body in different tasks and intensities through improvisation.


événement suivant
Hofesh Shechter
Hofesh Shechter Hofesh Shechter

Professional masterclass with Hofesh Shechter Company


Open Workshop with Hofesh Shechter Company

Join Chien-Ming Chang (Rehearsal Director: Shechter II) for this workshop exploring Hofesh Shechter’s distinctive movement style. The workshop will include a warm-up, followed by learning a short phrase of movement from Shechter’s Theatre of Dreams. The session will round up with a short Q&A.


événement suivant
Compagnie 111 – Aurélien Bory
Compagnie 111 – Aurélien Bory Compagnie 111 – Aurélien Bory

Open Workshop with Hofesh Shechter Company


Workshop ouvert avec Elisabeth Schilling

dans le cadre de la création de Sensorial Symphonies

Join choreographer Elisabeth Schilling to explore the dance processes behind Sensorial Symphonies. Discover plantinspired temporality, texture, and decentralization through movement, engaging all your senses.


Workshop ouvert avec Elisabeth Schilling

06.01.2025 - 25.01.2025

Programme cadre autour d'ANTI

Création de Brian Ca & Mikaël Serre

Cours pour professionnel.le.s
Du 6 au 10 janvier 2025 de 10h00 à 11h30 / salle de ballet / Grand Théâtre


événement suivant
Birth Birth

Programme cadre autour d'ANTI


Urban Forest

Theatre-Devising-Workshop with Anne Simon

LB An dësem Theaterworkshop mat der Regisseurin Anne Simon, entwécklen d’Kanner an e puer Stonnen eng immersiv, lieweg Landschaft duerch Toun, Luucht a Spill. 

Ouni Sprooch entsteet duerch Assoziatiounen fir e kuerzen Ament eng magesch Welt zu där all Participant.e bäigedron huet. 


événement suivant
Leuchtfeuer Leuchtfeuer

Urban Forest


Theatre workshop with Guillaume Pigé

Writing with movement, weight, space and rhythm - A devising workshop

They will introduce principles of Theatre Re’s ethos through games, improvisational exercises and ensemble work. The final part of the workshop will allow for participants to “compose” their own movement score using all of the vocabulary and skills that was shared with them. This workshop will equip participants with a set of tools and reflexes that they will later be able to apply to their own projects.


événement suivant
Guided tour / Grand Théâtre
Guided tour / Grand Théâtre Guided tour / Grand Théâtre

Theatre workshop with Guillaume Pigé


Workshop ouvert avec Sati Veyrunes

Dans le cadre des représentations d'Oona Doherty

Sati Veyrunes (1995*) est une artiste chorégraphique originaire de Grenoble basée à Marseille. Elle est diplômée de SEAD (Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance) en 2019. 


événement suivant
Neige Neige

Workshop ouvert avec Sati Veyrunes


Masterclass with Antony Hamilton

For professional dancers

Antony Hamilton was appointed artistic director and co-CEO of Chunky Move in early 2019. His works examine the biological and social conditions of the human body, forever situated in the present yet facing an unknown future. He often employs a sophisticated melding of movement, sound and visual design to collaboratively imagine complete worlds, and develops choreographic systems to occupy them.


événement suivant
In My Mind
In My Mind In My Mind

Masterclass with Antony Hamilton


Workshop with Yaron Engler

Musical director & drummer

Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be a member of the Peaky Blinders? Join Yaron Engler, Musical director and drummer, for this interactive session that invites you to explore the show through rhythm and movement. It’s a chance to express yourself in ways you may not have before—fun, a little challenging, but always exciting. No experience in dance, music, or performance is needed - just an open mind and a desire to get creative! 


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Après la répétition / Persona
Après la répétition / Persona Après la répétition / Persona

Workshop with Yaron Engler


Workshop tai-chi

avec la compagnie B.DANCE

Cet atelier combinera le tai-chi et les arts martiaux chinois, dans la fluidité et la qualité musicale de la danse contemporaine.
L’occasion de découvrir l’univers de la compagnie avant ses représentations de Before We Say Goodbye !


événement suivant

Workshop tai-chi

S'abonner à workshop