24.01.2024 - 25.01.2024

A Family Business

théâtre . Théâtre des Capucins
A family business
© Rebecca Lupton & Ivan Pieri Gonzalez & Ahmed ElHassan
lieu Théâtre des Capucins
In English and German
environ 1h30 (pas d'entracte)
English surtitles
Introduction to the play by Janine Goedert 30 minutes before every performance (EN).

mentions spécifiques

âge recommandé
effets stroboscopiques
insultes / violence

A Family Business

A show about how not to blow up the planet.

24.01 ›
Q&A with Guillaume Trap, Chris Thorpe, Veronique Christory hosted by Ian De Toffoli
Organised in collaboration with the Fondation Jeunes Scientifiques Luxembourg 

25.01 › 
Q&A with Chris Thorpe, Veronique Christory, Raymond Aendekerk, Roger Spautz
Organised in collaboration with Greenpeace Luxembourg

EN Chris Thorpe is a British writer / performer and associate at Manchester’s powerhouse Royal Exchange. His interest in psychology led him to research cognitive processing and create and perform in a trilogy of provocative productions about the way people think. The first two were monologues with songs developed with the award-winning Rachel Chavkin. Confirmation was about the biases of the brain and Status (seen in Luxembourg in 2019) dealt with our understanding of nationality. A Family Business, also co-developed by Rachel Chavkin and Lekan Lawal, is the last production of the trio. It looks at the threat posed by nuclear weapons and asks how politicians can process the unthinkable enough to make decisions for the rest of us. The cast of four is directed by Claire O’Reilly.

DE Chris Thorpes neues Stück basiert auf Interviews, die der Autor mit Menschen geführt hat, die einen neuen Rahmenvertrag für das Verbot von Atomwaffen entwickelt haben. Es ist ein Versuch, über diese ganz gewöhnlichen Menschen zu sprechen, die etwas Außergewöhnliches vorhaben, aber auch der Versuch, das Gespräch über die weltweite Existenz von Nuklearwaffen zu etwas Normalem zu machen. In jeder Aufführung von A Family Business werden ZuschauerInnen dazu eingeladen, zu VertreterInnen großer Menschengruppen zu werden – und mit anderen darüber nachzudenken, wie man den Planeten nicht in die Luft jagt.

"…a dense and provocative barrage of reflections on a world in flux and our place within it."
The Guardian


Written and performed
Chris Thorpe
Claire O’Reilly
Developed with
Rachel Chavkin and Lekan Lawal
Assistant Director
Tim Schmultzer
Rachel Chavkin & Jörg Vorhaben
Casting Director
Christopher Worrall
Designer & Costume Designer
Eleanor Field
Sound Designer
Anna Clock
Lighting and A/V Designer
Arnim Friess
Production Manager
Rob Athorn
Performer (James)
Greg Barnett
Performer (Layla)
Efé Agwale
Performer (Veronique)
Andrea Quirbach
China Plate Theatre; Staatstheater Mainz; Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg
Supported by
Warwick Arts Centre and using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.


événement suivant
Message In A Bottle
Message In A Bottle Message In A Bottle